Sunday, June 22, 2008

Detox - 1. Colon Cleansing

What it is ?

Colon is the sewer system of the body and if this gets choked then you can imagine the problems that occur if the sewer of the street is choked. The choking of colon can lead to constipation and production of poisonous gasses which in turn is harmful for the body. The cleaning of this part of the body is really easy. The doctor will insert a pipe inside your body through the Anus and then a flow of warm water is thrown into the body. This cleans the colon and it might take 4-5 sittings with the doctor.

Other methods of colon cleansing is :
1. Fasting is also one method of detoxification.
2. Triphala and other laxatives also help in cleansing by facilitating bowel movement

Where ?

Clinique Suisse( 021 57905890) - This is something I would do only at a safe and a place with the best Hygeine. So the obvious choice was Clinique Suisse, where it is done under the supervision of a doctor. I went one morning, consulted the doctor, who did a physical check up and told me I could do it right away.

So I did, well it is not very pleasant, and once the pipe is inserted then 36 litres of sterile water at a temperature of 37 to 39 degree Celsius flowed into my body and as the wait accumulates, you continuously want to purge but at the end of the 45 minute session, you feel lighter, better and relaxed.

I am given green tea, with two tablets of healthy intestinal bacteria to replace the bacteria removed during the cleanse and the doctor gives me a diet plan to follow.

Personal Rating ?

This is good, though not enjoyable and relaxing but I would recommend you to go for it only if you have a serious problem. Otherwise try laxatives, fasting and fluid and fibre diet.

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