Saturday, June 21, 2008

Why Wellness ?

Wellness is not just about pampering and beauty is a way of life, it is a tribute to your body and soul, rewarding your body for all that it does for you silently, relentlessly till it breaks down someday. We all rush to hospital when we are sick and spend astronomical amounts on treatments and medicines. But what do we when we are not sick ? All those things that we do when we are not sick to remain healthy, happy and peaceful is what comprises Wellness.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that our body is surrounded by five layers or koshas. A disease which manifests in the physical body like cancer, tumor, heart attack and so on, did not happen started from a simple imbalance somewhere and travelled through all those five layers over a long period of time to reach the physical body and manifest as a full blown disease. And once it reaches here, it has to be treated with allopathic medicines, surgery, and strong drugs because it cannot get cured, it cannot be removed from its roots.

Where are the roots ? The root is an imbalance which happened long ago - it can be dosha imbalance, negative emotions, toxin accumulation or stress or something else. When the disease has not yet reached the physical body but is still in the 3rd, or 4th layer - it can be cured by Fasting, Prayers, Meditation, Herbs, Sattvic food, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Massage and other alternative therapies which are meant to restore the balance along with healing and curing. All these therapies, treatments and ways of life which restore the balance ( physical, emotional and mental) and make us feel happy, relaxed and balanced is what comprises wellness. And the best thing is you enjoy it and its good for you.

I am a Wellness enthusiast and it is a path i have decided to follow.... My favourate weekend activities are all centred around it these, in the ascending order of priority…though I like to experiment with all kinds of new treatments and therapies….Here in the last 26 months....i have tried a lot of things ....let me tell about those...

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